Stripped – Pole Dancing for Exercise?

Believe it or not, a new workout center has opened in Plymouth Minnesota (suburb of Minneapolis). What makes this one so different? It includes class’ such as
* Sensual Dancing
* Pole Dancing
* Hip Hop
* Sensual Yoga
* Hula
* Belly Dancing
* Flamenco
* Salsa
* African Dancing

What is this place exactly?

A Stripped Woman has stripped away all the negative energies in her life. She has embraced her feminine power and Goddess nature. A stripped woman speaks the universal language of love, compassion and authenticity. A Stripped Woman is committed to world peace.

So women, if you need to get in touch with your inner Goddess, check out Stripped : A Fitness Studio for Women.

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  1. Rebecca L-Kohler on December 11, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    Where are you located and is there a website or phone number where I can get class information?