

Duplicator can duplicate, clone, backup, move and transfer an entire site from one location to another. I need to try this to…

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Table of Contents Plus

A powerful yet user friendly plugin that automatically creates a table of contents. Can also output a sitemap listing all…

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Shiny Updates

A smoother experience for managing plugins and themes. via Shiny Updates — WordPress Plugins

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Smart Thumbnails for WordPress

Cropping images for thumbnails in WordPress isn’t always great, but the Theia Smart Thumbnails for WordPress plugin aims to fix that. It…

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WP Admin Help/Documentation Plugin

WP Help could be a handy way to add help screens to the admin side of WordPress. Maybe then the clients would…

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Hide Yoast SEO update messages and junk.

Yoast has a great SEO plugin, but it adds so much interface junk that not all users want. Not to…

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Delete Expired Transients

WordPress doesn’t auto delete transients, even if they’re expired. So basically they just sit there and take up space. You can…

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WP Spider Cache

WP Spider Cache is said to be your friendly neighborhood caching solution for WordPress. There’s lots of plugins out there, but…

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Easily Optimize Your WordPress Site

Autoptimize lets you speed up your site without all the confusing options of other plugins. Minify JavaScript and CSS, compresses scripts,…

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Change the order that your plugins are loaded.

The Plugin Organizer allows you to change the order that plugins are loaded, or even disable some plugins on specific parts of…

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