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PlayStation 3 vs XBox

Not to be outdone by the XBox, Sony released information on the Playstation 3.

Playstation 3

The successor to the popular PlayStation 2, the new machine will go on sale next spring. That will put it right on the heels of Microsoft’s Xbox 360, which is expected to be on store shelves this fall. Microsoft introduced the 360, its new game console, in an infomercial on MTV last week.

As Microsoft did with the 360, Sony touted the high-definition capabilities of the PlayStation 3 and its networking features. The device will support the 1080p HD TV standard — the highest current resolution of HD televisions — and will have built-in Bluetooth, WiFi and Gigabit Ethernet networking.

Sony officials spent much of the more than two-hour press conference touting the technical abilities of the upcoming device. At its heart will be the Cell processor, co-developed with IBM and Toshiba. According to Sony officials, the Cell processor in the PlayStation 3 will be considerably more powerful than the IBM PowerPC processor that will be at the core of the Xbox 360.
The Street

It will be interesting to see these two battle it out. Now where is Nintendo? I guess, if they were smart, they’d wait until all the Xbox Playstation media blitz was over. Why compete against them, let them duke it out and then release something new late next year.

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