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PokerPoker Terms A-Z Want to get your site linked here? Contact iTwister.
All - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z SandbagTo check a strong hand with the intention of raising or re-raising. SatelliteA small-stakes tournament whose winner obtains cheap entry into a bigger tournament. Scare CardAn up card that looks as though it might have made a strong hand. SchoolThe players in a regular game. ScoopTo win the entire pot. ScootingPassing chips to another player after winning a pot; horsing. Seat ChargeIn public cardrooms, an hourly fee for playing poker. Seating ListIn most cardrooms, if there is no seat available for you when you arrive, you can put your name on a list to be seated when a seat opens up. Second PairIn flop games, pairing the second highest card on board. SeeTo call. Semi-BluffTo bet with a hand which isn't the best hand, but which has a reasonable chance of improving. SetThree of a kind; trips (usually applies to a pair in hand and a matching card on board). Set You InTo bet as much as your opponent has left in front of him. Seventh StreetThe final betting round on the last card in Seven-Card Stud. ShillA cardroom employee, often an off-duty dealer, who plays with house money to make up a game. ShootoutA tournament format in which a single player ends up with the entire prize money, or in which play continues at each table until only one player remains. Short OddsThe odds for an event that has a good chance of occurring. Short-StackedHaving only a small number of chips left. Show One, Show AllA rule that says if a player shows their cards to anyone at the table they can be asked to show everyone else. ShowdownThe point at the end of the final round of betting when all the remaining player's cards are turned up to see which player has won the pot. Side CardAn unmatched card which may determine the winner between two otherwise equal hands. Side PotA separate pot contested by other players when one player is all-in. Sixth StreetIn Seven-Card Stud, the fourth round of betting on the sixth card. SkinTo fix the cards; cheat. Slow PlayDisguising the value of a strong hand by underbetting, to trick an opponent. SlowrollTo reveal one's hand slowly at showdown, one card at a time, to heighten the drama. Small BlindThe smaller of the two compulsory bets in flop games, made by the player in the first postion to the dealer's left. SmoothThe best possible low hand with a particular high card. Smooth CallTo call rather than raise an opponent's bet. Snap OffTo beat another player, often a bluffer, and usually without a powerful hand. SpeedThe level of aggressiveness with which you play. Fast play is more aggressive, slow play is more passive. Splash AroundTo play more loosely than you should. Splash The PotTo throw your chips into the pot, instead of placing them in front of you. This makes it difficult for the dealer to determine the amount you bet. SplitA tie. SpreadWhen a cardroom starts a table for a particular game, it is said to spread that game. If you want to know what games are played in a particular place, you can ask what they spread. Spread LimitBetting limits in which there is a fixed minimum and maximum bet for each betting round. SqueezeTo look slowly at the extremities of your hole cards, without removing them from the table, to worry your opponents and heighten the drama. StackThe pile of chips in front of a player. Stand PatTo decline an opportunity to draw cards. Stand-OffA tie, in which the players divide the pot equally. StayTo remain in a hand with a call rather than a raise. StealA bluff in late position, attempting to steal the pot from a table of apparently weak hands. SteamingPlaying poorly and wildly, often because the player is emotionally upset. Steel WheelIn lowball, a straight flush, five high (Ace-2-3-4-5). StraddleTo make a blind raise before the deal; big blind. StraightFive consecutive cards of mixed suits. Straight FlushFive consecutive cards of the same suit. StreakA run of good or bad cards. String BetAn illegal bet in which a player puts some chips in the pot, then reaches back to his stack for more, without having first verbally stated the full amount of his bet. StructureThe limits set upon the ante, forced bets and subsequent bets and raises in any given game. StuckSlang for losing, often a substantial amount of money. StudAny form of poker in which the first card or cards are dealt down, or in the hole, followed by several open, or face up, cards. Suck OutTo win a hand by hitting a very weak draw, often with poor pot odds. SuitedCards of the same suit. SweatTo watch a player from the rail. Sweeten The PotSlang for raise. |