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PokerPoker Terms A-Z Want to get your site linked here? Contact iTwister.
All - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z Ace-HighA five-card hand containing an ace but no pair; beats a king-high, but loses to any pair or above. Aces FullA full house with aces over any pair. Aces UpTwo pairs, one of which is aces. ActionThe betting. Active PlayerA player still in the pot. Add-OnThe opportunity to buy additional chips in some tournaments. AdvertiseTo make a bluff with the deliberate intention of being exposed as a loose player. All-InWhen a player bets all his or her remaining chips. An Ace WorkingAn ace in hand. AngleAny technically legal but ethically dubious way to increase your expectation at a game; a trick. AnteA token bet required before the start of a hand. BabyA small card. Back Door Flush (or Straight)When the last two cards make a player's hand, even though he or she played on the flop for some other reason. Back Into A HandTo draw into a hand different from the one you were originally trying to make. Bad BeatWhen a strong hand is beaten by a lucky hand; a longshot win. BankrollThe amount of money you have available to wager. BehindYou're behind if you don't have the best hand before the last cards have been dealt. Belly BusterA draw to fill an inside straight; a gut shot. BetTo voluntarily put money or chips into the pot. Bet For ValueBetting in order to raise the amount in the pot, not to make your opponents fold. Bet IntoTo bet before a stronger hand, or a player who bet strongly on the previous round. Bet The PotTo bet the total value of the pot. Betting BlackBetting $100 amounts (black is a common color for $100 chips). Betting GreenBetting $25 amounts (green is a common color for $25 chips). Betting RedBetting $5 amounts (red is a common color for $5 chips). Betting WhiteBetting $1 amounts (white is a common color for $1 chips). Betting IntervalThe period during which each active player has the right to check, bet or raise; the round of betting. It ends when the last bet or raise has been called by all players still in the hand. BicycleThe lowest possible hand in lowball: Ace-2-3-4-5. Also called a wheel. Big Bet PokerAnother term for pot-limit and no-limit poker. Big BlindThe forced bet in second position before any cards are dealt. Usually this is a Live Blind, which means that the player in this position can raise if no one else has before the cards are dealt. Big SlickThe Ace-King card combination. Black LegArchaic term for crooked card-sharp. BlankA card that is of no value to a player's hand. BlindA forced bet that one or more players to the dealer's left must make before any cards are dealt to start the action on the first round of betting. Blind RaiseWhen a player raises without first looking at his or her cards. Blow BackTo lose back one's profits. BluffTo bet or raise with a hand that is unlikely to be the best hand. BoardIn flop games, the five cards that are turned face up in the center of the table; in Seven-Card Stud, the four cards that are dealt face up to each player. BoatAnother name for full house. Bottom PairWhen you use the lowest card on the flop to make a pair. BountyA small amount of cash awarded to a player when he knocks out another player in some tournaments. BrickA blank. Bring-InThe forced bet made on the first betting round by the player dealt the lowest card showing in Seven-Card Stud and the highest card showing in razz. Bring It InTo start the betting on the first round. BroadwayAn ace high straight. BrushA cardroom employee responsible for managing the seating list. BuckIn all flop games, a small disk used to indicate the dealer, or used to signify the player in the last position if a house dealer is used; a button. BugA Joker that can be used to make straights and flushes and can be paired with Aces, but not with any other cards. BulletAn Ace. BulletsA pair of Aces. BumpTo raise. Buried PairIn stud games, a pair in the hole. BurnTo deal off the top card, face down, before dealing out the cards (to prevent cheating); or to set aside a card which has been inadvertently revealed. BustA worthless hand that has failed to improve as the player hoped; a busted hand. Bust a PlayerTo deprive a player of all his chips; in tournament play, to eliminate a player. Bust OutTo be eliminated from a tournament by losing all your chips. BustedBroke, tapped. Busted FlushA hand with only four of five cards in a flush. ButtonIn all flop games, a small disk used to signify the player in the last position if a house dealer is used; a buck. Buy-InThe miniumum amount of money required to sit down in a particular game. CageThe cashier, where you exchange cash for chips and vice versa. CallTo match, rather than raise, the previous bet. Call ColdTo call a bet and raise at once. Calling StationA player who invariably calls, and is therefore hard to bluff out. CapIn limit games, the limit on the number of raises in a round of betting. Card RoomThe room or area in a casino where poker is played. Case CardThe last card of a denomination or suit, when the rest have already been seen. Case ChipsA player's last chips. Cash InTo leave the game and convert one's chips to cash, either with the dealer or at the cage. Cash OutTo leave a game and cash in one's chips at the cage. Caught SpeedingSlang for caught bluffing. ChaseTo stay in against an apparently stronger hand, usually in the hope of filling a straight or flush. CheckTo abstain from betting, reserving the right to call or raise if another player bets. Also another name for a chip. Check-RaiseTo check and raise in a betting round. Check In The DarkTo check before looking at the card or cards just dealt. CheeseA very substandard starting hand. Chip RaceAs the limits increase in tournaments, lower denomination chips are taken out of circulation. Rather than rounding odd chips up or down for each player, the players are dealt a card for each odd chip. The player with the highest card is given all the odd chips, which are then colored up. ChopTo return the blinds to the players who posted them and move on to the next hand, if nobody calls the blind. Cinch HandAn unbeatable hand; nuts. Closed HandA hand in which all cards are concealed from the opponents. Closed PokerGames in which all of the cards are dealt face down. Coffee HousingAn attempt to mislead opponents about one's hand by means of devious speech or behavior. ColdIf a player says his cards have "gone cold," he's having a bad streak. Cold CallTo call a raise without having already put the initial bet into the pot. Cold DeckA fixed deck. Color UpTo exchange one's chips for chips of higher value, usually to reduce the number of chips one has on the table. ComePlaying a worthless hand in the hope of improving it is called "playing on the come." Come HandA hand that has not yet been made, requiring one or more cards from the draw to complete it. Come Over The TopTo raise or reraise an opponent's bet. Commit FullyTo put in as many chips as necessary to play your hand to the river, even if they're your case chips. Community CardsIn flop games and similar games, the cards dealt face up in the center of the table that are shared by all active players. ConnectorsConsecutive cards which might make a straight. CounterfeitIn Omaha Hi/Lo, when the board pairs your key low card, demoting the value of your hand. CowboySlang for a King. CrackTo beat a powerful hand. Crying CallA call with a hand you think has a small chance of winning. Cut It UpTo split the pot after a tie. Cut The PotTo take a percentage of each pot for the casino running the game. Dead CardA card no longer legally playable. Dead HandA hand no longer legally playable, due to some irregularity. Dead MoneyMoney put into the pot by players who have already folded. Dealer's ChoiceA game in which each dealer, in turn, chooses the type of poker to be played. DeclarationIn high-low poker, declaring by the use of coins or chips whether one is aiming to win the high or the low end of the pot, or both. Declare GamesGames in which a player must declare the value of his hand in order to claim the pot. DeuceA two, the lowest ranking card in high poker. Deuce to SevenAnother term for Kansas City Lowball, a two to seven without a flush,being the best hand. DominateSaid of a starting hand that will almost always beat another starting hand. Door CardIn Seven-Card Stud, the first exposed card in a player's hand. Double Belly BusterA hand with two inside straight draws. Double Gut ShotA draw to a broken sequence of cards, in which either of two cards will make the straight. Double ThroughGoing all-in against an opponent in order to double your stack if you win the hand. Down CardsHole cards. Down To The FeltA player who has lost most of his chips. Draw LowballA form of poker in which the lowest hand wins. Draw OutTo improve your hand so that it beats an opponent who had a better hand than yours prior to your draw. Draw PokerA form of poker in which each player receives five cards and then has the option of discarding one or more of them and receiving new cards in their place. Drawing DeadDrawing to a hand that cannot possibly win. Drawing HandA potentially strong hand requiring a particular card from the draw to make it. Driver's SeatThe player who is making all the betting and thus appears to hold the strongest hand is said to be in the driver's seat. DropTo fold. Early PositionA position on a round of betting in which you must act before most of the other players. Effective OddsThe ratio of the total amount of money you expect to win if you make your hand to the total amount of bets you will have to call to continue from the present round of betting to the end of the hand. EquityThe value of a particular hand or combination of cards. Even MoneyA wager in which you hope to win the same amount as you bet. ExpectationThe profit or loss you would expect to make on average over a number of hands. Family PotA pot in which most of the players at the table are still involved at the end of the hand. FavoriteA hand that has the best chance of winning. Fifth StreetIn flop games, the final round of betting and the fifth community card on the board; in stud games, the fifth card dealt to each player and the third betting round (on the third upcard). FillTo pull the card one is seeking; to hit. Fill UpTo make a full house. FishA poor player; an amateur who is losing a lot of money. FishhooksSlang for Jacks. Five-Card DrawA draw poker game in which the players start with five cards and then may draw to replace them. Five-Card StudA stud poker game in which each player gets one concealed card and four exposed cards. Flat CallTo call a bet without raising. Flat LimitA betting limit in a poker game that does not escalate from one round to the next. FlopIn flop games, the first three community cards, which are turned face up simultaneously and start the second round of betting. Flop GamesA family of poker games played with five community cards. The first three cards, turned face up simultaneously, are called the flop. Popular flop games include Texas Hold 'Em and Omaha. FlushFive cards of the same suit. Flush DrawHaving four cards of the same suit, and hoping to draw a fifth to make a flush. FoldTo withdraw from the hand rather than bet or raise; to give up. Forced BetA required bet to start the action on the first round of a poker hand. Four-FlushFour cards of the same suit, requiring a fifth to make a flush. Four Of A KindFour cards of the same denomination. Fourth StreetIn flop games, the fourth card on board and the third round of betting, the turn; in Seven-Card Stud, the fourth card dealt to each player and the second round of betting (on the second upcard). Free CardA card that a player gets without having to call a bet. Free RideTo stay in a hand without being forced to bet. FreerollA situation in which two players have the same hand, but one of the players has a chance to better his hand. Freeze OutA game or tournament in which all players start with the same amount and play until one player has won all the chips. Full HouseAny three cards of the same denomination, plus any pair of a different denomination. G-NoteA one thousand dollar bill. Get The Right PriceThe pot odds are favorable enough for you to justify calling a bet or a raise with a drawing hand. Get Full ValueBetting, raising and re-raising in order to manipulate the size of the pot so that you will be getting maximum pot odds if you win the hand. Get ThereTo make your hand. Give ActionBetting, calling, raising or re-raising. Gut-ShotA card drawn to fill an inside straight. Gypsy InIn lowball, to limp in. HandA player's best five cards. Heads-UpA game between just two players, often the climax of a tournament. High-LowA poker game in which the highest and lowest hands share the pot. Also called High-Low Split. HitTo pull the card one is seeking; to fill. Hit And RunA player who has only been at the table a short amount of time and leaves after winning a big pot. Hold 'EmA form of poker in which players use five community cards in combination with their two hole cards to form the best five-card hand. Also called Texas hold 'em. HoleThe concealed card or cards. Hole CardA card concealed in a player's hand. Home Run HitterA player who makes big plays that require maximum risk. HorsingPassing a small amount of money to another player after winning a pot; scooting. HouseThe establishment; the casino or cardroom. HotSaid of a player on a winning streak. Ignorant EndThe low end straight. Implied OddsThe amount of money you expect to win if you make your hand versus the amount of money it will cost you to continue playing. InA player is "in" if he or she has called all bets. In the AirWhen the tournament director instructs the dealers to get the cards in the air, it means to start dealing. In The DarkTo check or bet blind, without looking at your cards. Inside StraightFour cards requiring one in the middle to fill a straight. InsuranceSelling the actual outcome of the hand for its mathematical equity. IsolateTo raise with the intention of reaching a heads up between yourself and a single other player. Jackpot PokerA form of poker in which the cardroom offers a jackpot for particularly bad beats. Typically you must have aces full or better. Jacks Or BetterA form of draw poker in which a player needs at least a pair of Jacks to start the betting. JamTo bet or raise the maximum. Jammed PotThe pot has been raised the maximum number of times, and may also be multi-way. JokerThe fifty-third card in the deck, used as a wild card or a bug. Kansas City LowballA form of lowball poker played for a deuce to seven low. Keep HonestTo call an opponent on the river, even though you believe he has a better hand than you do. Key CardThe one card that will make your hand. Key HandIn a tournament, the hand that proves to be a turning point, for better or worse. KibitzerA non-playing spectator; a railbird. Kick ItTo raise. KickerThe highest unpaired side card. KillA kill game is one in which a player may place an extra bet, causing the betting limits to go up for just that hand. The player posting the bet is the "killer," and the hand is considered a "kill pot." The player is said to have "killed the pot" for the amount of the kill. KnaveA Jack. Late PositionA position on a round of betting in which you act after most of the other players have acted. Lay DownTo reveal one's hand in a showdown. Lay Down Your HandTo fold. Lay The OddsTo wager more money on a proposition than you hope to win. LeadTo be the first to enter the pot after the blind. LeakTo lose back part or all of one's winnings through other gambling habits. Legitimate HandA strong hand that is not a bluff. Limit PokerA game with fixed minimum and maximum betting intervals. Limp InTo enter the round by calling a bet rather than raising. LimperA player who enters the pot for the minimum bet. Live BlindWhen the player is allowed to raise even if no one else raises first; straddle. Live CardIn stud games, a card that has not yet been seen in an opponent's hand and is presumed likely to be still in play. Live HandA hand that is still eligible to win the pot. Live OneAn inexperienced, bad or loose player who apparently has plenty of money to lose; a rich sucker. LockA hand that cannot lose; a cinch hand. Long OddsThe odds for an event that has a relatively small chance of occurring. LookTo call the final bet (before the showdown). LoosePlaying more hands than the norm. Loose GameA game with a lot of players in most pots. LowballA form of poker in which the lowest hand wins. Main PotWhen a player goes all-in, that player is only eligible to win the main pot - the pot consisting of the bets they were able to match. Additional bets are placed in a side pot and are contested among the remaining players. MakeTo make the deck is to shuffle. Make A MoveTo try a bluff. ManiacA very aggressive player who plays hands that more conservative players would probably not consider. MarkA sucker. MarkerAn IOU. MechanicA cheat who manipulates the deck. MeetTo call. Middle PairIn flop games, a middle pair is made by pairing with the middle card on the flop. Middle PositionA position on a round of betting somewhere in the middle. MissTo be unable to make your drawing hand when the final cards are dealt. MonsterA hand that is almost certain to win. Move InTo go all-in. MuckTo discard a hand; also the discard pile in which all cards are dead. Narrow the FieldTo bet or raise in order to scare off other players whose hands are currently worse than yours, but have the potential to improve. NitTo bide your time, patiently waiting for a playable hand. No-Limit PokerA game in which players can bet as much as they have in front of them on any given round. Nut FlushThe best available flush. NutsThe best possible hand at any point in the game, a cinch hand. OddsThe probability of making a hand versus the probability of not making the hand. OffsuitTwo different suits, used to describe the first two cards. OmahaA flop game similar to Hold 'Em, but each player is dealt four cards instead of two, and a hand must be made using exactly two pocket cards, plus three from the table. On BoardOn the table; in the game. On The ComeA hand that is drawing to a straight or flush. On TiltPlaying poorly, usually because of becoming emotionally upset. One-GapAn inside straight. OpenTo make the first bet. Open-Ended StraightFour consecutive cards requiring one at either end to make a straight. Open CardExposed card; a card dealt face-up. Open PairAn exposed pair; a pair of face-up cards. Open PokerGames where some of the cards are dealt face up. OptionWhen a player posts a live blind, that player is given the option to raise when their turn comes around, even if no one else has raised; straddle. OutA card remaining in the deck that could hopefully improve your hand. OutdrawTo beat an opponent by drawing to a better hand. OutrunOutdraw. OvercallTo call a bet after another player has already called. OvercardIn stud games, a card higher than your opponent's probable pair; in flop games, a card higher than any card on the board. OverpairIn flop games, a wired pair higher than any card on the board. Paint CardsKing, Queen and Jack; face cards; court cards; picture cards. PairTwo cards of the same denomination. PassFold. Pat HandA hand that is played as dealt, without changing a card; usually a straight, flush or full house. Pay OffTo call a bet or raise when you don't think you have the best hand. Pay StationA player who calls bets and raises much more than is typical; a calling station. Picture CardsKing, Queen and Jack; face cards; court cards; paint cards. PipThe suit symbols on a non-court card, indicating its rank. Play BackTo raise or re-raise an opponent's bet. Play FastAggressively betting a drawing hand to get full value for it if you make it. Play WithStaying in the hand by betting, calling, raising, or re-raising. Playing the BoardIn flop games, if your best five card hand uses the five community cards. Another term for hole. Pocket RocketsA pair of aces in the hole. PositionYour seat in relation to the dealer, and thus your place in the betting order. PostTo post a bet is to place your chips in the pot. PotThe money or chips in the center of the table. Pot LimitA game in which the maximum bet is the total of the pot. Pot OddsThe amount of money in the pot versus the amount of money it will cost you to continue in the hand. PropShort for proposition player; similar to a shill, but plays with his own money. Proposition PlayerA cardroom employee who joins a game with his own money when the game is shorthanded, or to get a game started; similar to a shill. Protect A HandTo protect a hand is to bet so as to reduce the chances of anyone outdrawing you by getting them to fold. Protect Your CardsTo protect your cards is to place a chip or some other small object on top of them so that they don't accidentally get mucked by the dealer, mixed with another player's discards, or otherwise become dead when you'd like to play them. ProviderA player who makes the game profitable for the other players at the table; a nicer term for a fish. PushWhen the hand is finished and a winner is determined, the dealer pushes the chips towards the winner. Put DownFold. Put Him OnTo guess an opponent's hand and play accordingly. Putting On The HeatPressuring your opponents with aggressive betting strategies to get the most value from your hand. QuadsFour of a kind. QualifierIn high-low, a requirement the hand must meet to be eligible for a portion of the pot. RackA plastic tray which holds 100 chips in 5 stacks of 20. Rag OffTo get a card on the river that doesn't help you. Ragged FlopFlop cards that are of no use to any player's hand. RagsWorthless cards; blanks. RailThe sideline at a poker table. RailbirdA non-playing spectator or kibitzer, often used to describe a broke ex-player. RainbowThree or four cards of different suits. RaiseTo call and increase the previous bet. RakeChips taken from the pot by the dealer on behalf of the house. RankThe value of a card. Each card has a suit and a rank. RapTo knock the table, indicating a check. RazzSeven-card stud lowball. Shortened from "razzle dazzle." ReadTo try and determine your opponent's cards or betting strategy. RebuyTo start again, for an additional entry fee, in tournament play (where permitted). RedrawA draw to an even better hand when you currently are holding the nuts. RepresentTo bet in a way that suggests you are holding a strong hand. Re-raiseTo raise a raise. Reverse Implied OddsThe ratio of the amount of money now in the pot to the amount of money you will have to call to continue from the present round to the end of the hand. RiffleTo shuffle; or to fidget with your chips. Ring GameA non-tournament game. RiverIn flop games, the last round of betting on the fifth street card; in stud games, the last round of betting on the seventh street card. RockA very tight, conservative player. Rock GardenA table populated with rocks. RollTo turn a card face-up. Rolled UpIn Seven-Card Stud, three of a kind on third street (the first three cards). RoughA lowball hand that is not perfect. Round of BettingThe period during which each active player has the right to check, bet or raise. It ends when the last bet or raise has been called by all players still in the hand. RounderA professional player who "makes the rounds" of the big poker games in the country. Royal FlushThe best possible poker hand, consisting of the 10 through the Ace, all the same suit. RunA straight, or a series of good cards. Run OverPlaying aggressively in an attempt to control the other players. Runner-RunnerA hand made on the last two cards. RunningTwo needed cards that come as the last two cards dealt. Running BadOn a losing streak. Running GoodOn a winning streak. Running PairWhen the last two cards on the board make a pair. RushSeveral winning hands in a short period of time. SandbagTo check a strong hand with the intention of raising or re-raising. SatelliteA small-stakes tournament whose winner obtains cheap entry into a bigger tournament. Scare CardAn up card that looks as though it might have made a strong hand. SchoolThe players in a regular game. ScoopTo win the entire pot. ScootingPassing chips to another player after winning a pot; horsing. Seat ChargeIn public cardrooms, an hourly fee for playing poker. Seating ListIn most cardrooms, if there is no seat available for you when you arrive, you can put your name on a list to be seated when a seat opens up. Second PairIn flop games, pairing the second highest card on board. SeeTo call. Semi-BluffTo bet with a hand which isn't the best hand, but which has a reasonable chance of improving. SetThree of a kind; trips (usually applies to a pair in hand and a matching card on board). Set You InTo bet as much as your opponent has left in front of him. Seventh StreetThe final betting round on the last card in Seven-Card Stud. ShillA cardroom employee, often an off-duty dealer, who plays with house money to make up a game. ShootoutA tournament format in which a single player ends up with the entire prize money, or in which play continues at each table until only one player remains. Short OddsThe odds for an event that has a good chance of occurring. Short-StackedHaving only a small number of chips left. Show One, Show AllA rule that says if a player shows their cards to anyone at the table they can be asked to show everyone else. ShowdownThe point at the end of the final round of betting when all the remaining player's cards are turned up to see which player has won the pot. Side CardAn unmatched card which may determine the winner between two otherwise equal hands. Side PotA separate pot contested by other players when one player is all-in. Sixth StreetIn Seven-Card Stud, the fourth round of betting on the sixth card. SkinTo fix the cards; cheat. Slow PlayDisguising the value of a strong hand by underbetting, to trick an opponent. SlowrollTo reveal one's hand slowly at showdown, one card at a time, to heighten the drama. Small BlindThe smaller of the two compulsory bets in flop games, made by the player in the first postion to the dealer's left. SmoothThe best possible low hand with a particular high card. Smooth CallTo call rather than raise an opponent's bet. Snap OffTo beat another player, often a bluffer, and usually without a powerful hand. SpeedThe level of aggressiveness with which you play. Fast play is more aggressive, slow play is more passive. Splash AroundTo play more loosely than you should. Splash The PotTo throw your chips into the pot, instead of placing them in front of you. This makes it difficult for the dealer to determine the amount you bet. SplitA tie. SpreadWhen a cardroom starts a table for a particular game, it is said to spread that game. If you want to know what games are played in a particular place, you can ask what they spread. Spread LimitBetting limits in which there is a fixed minimum and maximum bet for each betting round. SqueezeTo look slowly at the extremities of your hole cards, without removing them from the table, to worry your opponents and heighten the drama. StackThe pile of chips in front of a player. Stand PatTo decline an opportunity to draw cards. Stand-OffA tie, in which the players divide the pot equally. StayTo remain in a hand with a call rather than a raise. StealA bluff in late position, attempting to steal the pot from a table of apparently weak hands. SteamingPlaying poorly and wildly, often because the player is emotionally upset. Steel WheelIn lowball, a straight flush, five high (Ace-2-3-4-5). StraddleTo make a blind raise before the deal; big blind. StraightFive consecutive cards of mixed suits. Straight FlushFive consecutive cards of the same suit. StreakA run of good or bad cards. String BetAn illegal bet in which a player puts some chips in the pot, then reaches back to his stack for more, without having first verbally stated the full amount of his bet. StructureThe limits set upon the ante, forced bets and subsequent bets and raises in any given game. StuckSlang for losing, often a substantial amount of money. StudAny form of poker in which the first card or cards are dealt down, or in the hole, followed by several open, or face up, cards. Suck OutTo win a hand by hitting a very weak draw, often with poor pot odds. SuitedCards of the same suit. SweatTo watch a player from the rail. Sweeten The PotSlang for raise. TableRefers to the poker table itself, or the collective players in the game. Table CopA player who calls with the intention of keeping other players honest. Table StakesA poker game in which a player cannot bet more than the money he has on the table. Table TalkAny discussion at the table of the hand currently underway, especially by players not involved in the pot, and especially any talk that might affect play. Take Off A CardTo call a single bet in order to see one more card. Take Off The GlovesTo use an aggressive betting strategy to bully opponents. Take The OddsTo wager less money on a proposition than you hope to win. Tap CityTo go broke. Tap OutTo bet all one's chips. Tapped OutBroke, busted. TellA player's nervous habit or mannerism which might reveal his hand. Texas Hold 'EmA form of poker in which players use five community cards in combination with their two hole cards to form the best five-card hand. Also called hold 'em. Third PairIn flop games, pairing the third highest card on board. Third StreetIn Seven-Card Stud, the first round of betting on the first three cards. Three FlushThree cards of the same suit, requiring two more to make a flush. Three Of A KindThree cards of the same denomination, with two side cards; trips. Throwing A PartyWhen several loose or amateur players are making significant monetary contributions to the pot. TightA conservative player who only plays strong hands, or playing on fewer hands than the norm. Tight GameA game with a small number of players in most pots. TiltSee on tilt. To GoAn amount "to go" is the amount it takes to enter the pot. TokeA tip to the dealer. Top PairIn flop games, pairing the highest card on board. TreyA three. TripletsThree of a kind. TripsSlang for triplets; three of a kind. TurnIn flop games, the fourth street card. Two FlushTwo cards of the same suit, requiring three more to make a flush. Two PairA hand with two pairs and a kicker. Under-RaiseTo raise less than the previous bet; allowed only if a player is going all-in. Under The GunThe first to bet. UnderdogA hand that does not have the best chance of winning before all the cards are dealt. Up CardAn open card, a card dealt face-up. ke Up With A HandTo be dealt a hand with winning potential. WalkTo walk is to be away from the table long enough to miss one or more hands. WalkersPlayers who walk frequently. WheelThe lowest hand in lowball, Ace-2-3-4-5; also known as a bicycle. WhipsawTo raise before, and after, a caller who gets caught in the middle. Wild CardA card designated as a joker, playable as any value. Wired PairA pair in hand. World's FairA big hand. |